TikTok Emojis: Ultimate Guide on TikTok Emojis and Tiktok Shortcodes

TikTok emojis are special icons and symbols that are used across the platform. Some TikTok emojis are standard Unicode emojis available on all platforms, while others are unique to TikTok. TikTok emojis can appear next to usernames, in captions, comments and messages. Users can insert emojis by typing the emoji shortcodes or selecting emojis from the keyboard.














































Emojis have become an essential part of online communication and self-expression. On TikTok, emojis allow users to communicate emotions and ideas quickly and visually. With over 800 million active users worldwide, TikTok has developed its own unique emoji culture. This guide will explore the origins and meanings behind popular TikTok emojis to help you better understand this visual language.

TikTok emojis are special icons and symbols that are used across the platform. Some TikTok emojis are standard Unicode emojis available on all platforms, while others are unique to TikTok. TikTok emojis can appear next to usernames, in captions, comments and messages. Users can insert emojis by typing the emoji shortcodes or selecting emojis from the keyboard.

TikTok emojis allow users to express emotions, emphasize ideas, convey tone and meaning, as well as interact playfully with other users. These visual elements help facilitate communication and self-expression. Understanding the meaning behind TikTok emojis can help users better comprehend content and conversations happening across the platform.

Many TikTok emojis originated from the messaging features within sister app Douyin, TikTok’s original Chinese version. When TikTok expanded globally in 2017 under its former name Musical.ly, it brought to Western markets a new set of emojis, many of which derived meaning from their roots in Chinese digital communication.

For example, TikTok’s smiling face with hearts emoji which indicates a crush or affection was adapted from the playful emoji culture within Chinese youth messaging. Other TikTok emojis like the crying face, pleading face and see-no-evil monkey have meanings adapted from digital communication trends popularized in China.

As TikTok’s global userbase has grown, the emoji culture has expanded. New emoji meanings have organically emerged from viral memes and trends unique to TikTok. For example, the palm tree and island emojis gained popularity after being used in vacation and travel videos. The cow emoji became associated with farmcore aesthetic after that trend went viral on TikTok.

Here are some of the most commonly used emojis on TikTok and what they mean:

Smiling Face with Hearts

  • Meaning: Having a crush or affectionate feelings toward someone
  • Usage: Used when directly commenting on a crush or someone you think is attractive. Also used jokingly or ironically.

Pleading Face

  • Meaning: Begging in a cute, playful way. Also conveying excitement.
  • Usage: Used when asking someone to follow you or check out your content. Also used to convey anticipation or excitement.

Rolling on the Floor Laughing

  • Meaning: Finding something hilarious or uncontrollable laughter
  • Usage: Used to signal finding a joke, meme or video really funny. Used sincerely or ironically.

Loudly Crying Face

  • Meaning: Sadness, disappointment, grief, laughter
  • Usage: Used sincerely to express sadness or disappointment. Also used ironically to signal content is funny or cringeworthy.

See-No-Evil Monkey

  • Meaning: Ignoring something, “I don’t see it!”
  • Usage: Used when jokingly pretending not to see something. Also used when not interested in someone’s drama or takes.

Palm Tree and Island Emojis

  • Meaning: Vacationing, tropical vibes
  • Usage: Used regarding content related to vacations, beaches, or summer vibes. Often paired together.

Cow Emoji

  • Meaning: Farmcore aesthetic, cows & country living
  • Usage: Used regarding content related to farming, country lifestyle or the farmcore aesthetic trend.

Skull Emoji

  • Meaning: Edginess, darkness, death
  • Usage: Used ironically to mock overly “edgy” content. Also used sincerely within alt and emo subcultures.

In addition to comments and captions, TikTok users often include emojis in their profile bios to convey information about themselves. Certain emoji patterns have emerged:

  • Astrological Sign Emojis: Users frequently put their astrological sign emoji (♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ ⛎) to share their star sign.
  • Country Flag Emoji: The flag emoji for a user’s home country is often included to indicate where they are from.
  • Hobby/Interest Emojis: Relevant hobby emojis can represent a user’s interests, like ⚽ for soccer or 🎸 for music.
  • Job/School Emojis: Emojis can represent one’s occupation like 👩‍⚕️ for a doctor or 👨‍🏫 for a teacher. The 🎓cap emoji indicates graduation or education.
  • Relationship Status Emojis: 💍 and 👫 can indicate relationship status. Some use “masked emoji” pairs like 😷😷 or 🐱🐱 to indicate couples accounts.

By decoding emoji patterns like these, users can better understand who someone is on TikTok based on their bio alone.

In true TikTok fashion, some emojis have been adopted into trends and viral memes on the platform. These inside jokes have helped propel certain emojis into TikTok icon status:

🐛 Ladybug Emoji

This emoji is used when duetting TikToks to signal friendly teasing and constructive criticism, popularized by user [@mattfrayn]. Ladybug duets poke light fun while showing support.

🤎 Brown Heart Emoji

This emoji went viral when used as the unofficial heart emoji for POC identities after user [@thesupercole created it as a more inclusive alternative to red hearts.

🍞 Bread Emoji

Bread emoji flooding comment sections became trendy after videos by [@ericruan when a face filter glitched to look like bread. Now it is its own meme commenting bread on videos.

💔 Broken Heart Emoji

Commenting this emoji on TikToks with no context is an absurd meme trend. The inexplicable and meaningless broken hearts have become a playful inside joke.

🤠 Howdy Partna Emoji Spam

Spamming the 🤠 cowboy hat face emoji emerged as trendy meme with users flooding comment sections. Often paired with Southern greetings like “howdy” or “yeehaw”!

As new viral phenomena permeate TikTok, emoji usage adapts to take on new meanings that get passed on through communities.

While TikTok utilizes many standard Unicode emoji characters also found on other platforms, its emoji culture has assigned unique meanings to certain emojis. TikTok has also developed its own set of proprietary emojis unavailable elsewhere:

TikTok Ironic/Meme Emojis

Certain basic emojis are used differently on TikTok, often ironically or for comedic effect in ways that wouldn’t necessarily translate to other platforms. These include the skull, hearts, crying faces and emoji spams described above.

TikTok Proprietary Emojis

TikTok has its own branded emojis like the TikTok logo, music note and more that don’t appear as Unicode characters on other platforms. These proprietary emojis are embedded in the keyboard for an experience unique to TikTok.

Contextual Nuance

On TikTok, emojis are defined not just by Unicode character but also by the trends, memes and video contexts they are used within. An emoji character itself doesn’t define meaning – it derives from the community and how it’s evolving in use.

So while the same Unicode emoji dictionary underlies TikTok and many platforms, how those emojis get used and interpreted differs greatly based on the cultural context of each community.

Beyond the meme meanings, emojis are also widely used artistically and aesthetically within TikTok content creation. Users get creative with emojis by:

  • Stylizing Captions – Editing and arranging emojis in stylish configurations as decorative caption art.
  • Video Effects – Using emojis decoratively as on-screen graphics, overlays, filters, etc to enhance video visuals.
  • Transition Tools – Zooming, panning, rotating, scattering emojis as transitional video elements between scenes, sounds, etc.
  • Visual Punchlines – Placing giant emojis or impactful sequences at comedic moments to punctuate jokes and punchlines.
  • Green Screen Content – Filming content or silhouettes with green screen backdrops, then filling backgrounds with emojis.
  • Character Creation – Designing emoji characters, objects, dolls, puppets, etc as props or subjects. Bringing emoji designs to life offline.
  • Choreography – Integrating emoji sequences, reveals and transitions into synchronized dance trends and routines.

By creatively incorporating emojis into videos through editing, effects, transitions and choreography, TikTok creators are elevating these icons into artforms in themselves.

TikTok’s ever-growing library of emojis has evolved online visual communication in significant ways. TikTok emojis have:

  • Transcended Language – Emojis’ visual meanings transcend language barriers, helping facilitate global communication.
  • Streamlined Interaction – Emojis allow complex feelings and ideas to be conveyed efficiently in a few characters.
  • Added Nuance – They inject tone, subtext and layered meaning not always obvious through text alone.
  • Enriched Engagement – Emoji reactions and conversations create more lively user interactivity.
  • Built Connections – Shared understanding of emojis and the trends behind them helps connect niche communities.
  • Inspired Creativity – Emojis are now a medium for creators to express their unique style and aesthetics.
  • Gone Mainstream – Emoji culture dispersion from apps like TikTok is driving emoji adoption into mass culture.

As TikTok cements its status as a dominant force in social media, its impact on visual communication through emojis comes along with it. What originated as a niche emoji culture on TikTok has grown into a new language of the internet shaping digital expression and interaction.

TikTok emojis have become a communication style all their own. The nuanced meanings, memes and artistic usage behind TikTok emojis reflects the platform’s unique and youthful character. While emojis originate from standard Unicode, the way TikTok users have claimed these visual tools for self expression, comedy and storytelling is specific to their community. For brands, artists and anyone looking to understand Gen Z’s digital world, learning the language of TikTok emojis provides one window into their creativity and code of communication.